Winner of HEY/PIONEER: NÜWIEL from Germany
Congratulations to NÜWIEL, the winner of HEY/PIONEER as our stage for start-ups, scale-ups, innovations and new products.
Natalia Tomiyama, co-founder and managing director of NÜWIEL, pitched their idea and product to the jury and won the HEY/PIONEER Award endowed with 10,000 Euro plus a coaching with Agile Change Coach Dr Friederike Heuck for organisation, agile structures and growth.
NÜWIEL developed an eTrailer, the world’s first electric trailer with a patent granted sensor technology. NÜWIEL’s technology brings the force transfer between the bike and the eTrailer to zero and enables a fully synchronized, automatic movement with a millisecond-precision. The eTrailer “disappears” behind you.
It was a very tough competition and tight race in the Elevator Pitch Round between the nine competitors from Germany and Israel. After the first round on June 22nd, the best three companies were chosen as finalists for the Final Round on the Main Stage on June 23rd:
NÜWIEL, Germany
Luchs Security, Israel
Breeze Technologies, Germany
The other two finalists will also get the opportunity to work with Dr Friederike Heuck for agile coaching and consulting.
Many thanks to all participants and our jury!
HEY/PIONEER is our stage for start-ups, scale-ups, innovations and new products.
We put a spotlight on great innovations and products that have a lasting and sustainable impact on our mobility experience – now and in the future.
See you next year on June 12-13, 2024!